How to keep your fish healthy in winter ?

How to keep your fish healthy in winter ?


Fish Care & Maintenance

Choose the location for your fish tank

  • Choosing the place is also essential to maintain the environment where your marine friends will grow and develop.
  •  Never leave an aquarium outdoors. The bursts of cold air are very dangerous.

Fish tanks should not be exposed to cold at night; thus, close the doors, use door stoppers and window cover to assist.

Examine the temperature changes

It would help if you took the time to examine the temperature of your tank with a thermometer or measurement system, as it’ll allow you to regulate and control the internal temperature of the fish tank. Make sure the water temperature hasn’t dropped below ideal conditions for your fish.

Check the size of your heater

Use the manufacturer’s recommendations to check that your heater is big enough for your tank.

Check water parameters

Eliminate any other stresses and ensure that your water quality is correct for the fish you keep. Purchase a quality testing kit and test your water regularly. To prevent issues, keep the tank clean and check that your filters are fully operational.

Avoid significant water changes.

Never remove more than 50% of the aquarium water at once during a water change. Another reason over 50% is too much is that the shock for the fish increases when you alter too much of the water parameters at once. Changing water causes stress and disease.

Treatment for Disease

Fish under temperature stress can commonly suffer from fungal disease or white spots. Keep an eye out for these, and treat with medication as needed.

Feed a nutritious diet

Feed intake of fish decreases with a decrease in temperature as its digestive system becomes sluggish. Hence boost the immune systems of your fish and ensure they are eating a quality diet. Frozen foods can also be a big help in adding vitamins and minerals to the diet.


Thus, when there’s a balance in the temperature inside an aquarium, the fish tend not to show significant changes. They’ll continue their feeding and swimming routine in a healthy environment.