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Tetra fishes

Tetra fishes are colorful and fabulously active; the Serpae Tetra is a fish that will add beauty to your tank. These fish have become quite popular among the aquarist community due to their playful attitudes and outstanding good looks.


These fishes are the species of tetra, of the characin family of order Characiformes. A number of common names are used to describe this decorative tetra. These include Red Minor Tetra, Jewel Tetra, Callistus Tetra, Red Serpa, Blood Characin, Blood Tetra, and even Red Phantom Tetra.

Fresh water fishes

The serpae tetra is a peaceful fresh water fish which can be kept in group of at least six in the aquarium. Their tank mates include other active fish of similar or larger size, such as barbs, danios, and larger tetras. Bottom-dwelling catfish and loaches are also suitable tank mates. Fish that have long, flowing fins or that are slow-moving, such as angelfish or bettas should not be kept along with them because tetra fish may become aggressive.

Ornamental fishes

These ornamental fishes must be kept along with plants, rocks, and caves to keep them interested because they often gather around tree roots and thick vegetation where they can find both safety and food. 

Aquarium fishes

As per their natural environment they live in murky slow moving black waters so that they can hide themselves from predators. This type of environment is warm, soft, and slightly acidic. You should take care of the water conditions mentioned below for your fishes because they are quite sensitive to major fluctuations in the water conditions.

Serpae Tetra - Quick Aquarium Care

Aquarist Experience Level: Beginner

Size of fish - inches: 1.6 inches (3.99 cm)

Minimum Tank Size: 20 gal (76 L)

Temperament: Peaceful

Aquarium Hardiness: Very Hardy (5 to 25 dGH)

Temperature: 72.0 to 82.0° F (22.2 to 27.8° C)

pH levels: 5 to 7.8

To replicate the aquarium as per their natural environment a dark sandy substrate can be used. Then plenty of live plants can be included at the bottom of the tank. Plants like Java Moss and Myriophyllum are good choices which will offer great shelter for them. You can also decor the tank with driftwood and rock.

Any standard filtration system can be used to cycle the tank. Serpae Tetras prefer slow-moving waters so you should make sure that the force of the return tube is not too powerful. You can place a plant or decorative item in front of the tube to break up the stream. Another important thing to be added in the tank is lighting.

Small Fishes

These small fishes when fully-grown will reach up to 1.75 inches in length. It is possible for larger specimens to reach a full 2 inches, but this is pretty rare. The average Serpae Tetra lifespan in captivity is between 5 and 7 years.

Tetra serape

Serpae Tetras belongs to the Amazon River basin in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru, and Bolivia. These fish do exhibit some unique swimming patterns. Rather than swimming elegantly throughout the habitat, they will swim in a jerky rhythm. They’ll swim in short bursts before resting and starting again.

They can be kept in a group of 5 to 7. The best tank mates for Serpae Tetras are other Serpae Tetras. Aside from other Serpae Tetras, these fish are compatible with other fast-moving peaceful fish. It’s best to avoid slow fish that could be targeted for fin nipping. You should also avoid larger aggressive species that may try and eat your Serpae Tetras.

Some tank mates who can be kept with tetra are:

Danios (our favorite is the Celestial Pearl), Pictus Catfish, Bolivian Ram Cichlid, Bristlenose Pleco, Cardinal Tetra, Cory Catfish, Black Skirt Tetra, Twig Catfish, Bloodfin Tetra, Swordtail Fish

Tetra serpae fishes

The Serpae Tetra Hyphessobrycon eques fishes are beautiful and really sparkle in the aquarium. A school of these tetras is an eye-catcher. Serpae Tetras are omnivores by nature. In the wild, they typically eat plant matter and insect larvae floating on the surface of the water. You can choose to feed your fish a regular diet of high-quality flakes or pellets and some protein-rich foods such as bloodworms and brine shrimp.

Colour fishes

These fishes are flat but have a tall frame and a trapezoidal shape. Serpae Tetras are part of the Characin family. Thus, they are familiar to other types of tetra species.

Mostly tetras are reddish brown in color and some are olive brown. Base coloration can vary quite a bit with this species. Also they have a large, almost diamond-shaped black spot just behind the gills. This spot can fluctuate in vibrancy. Some specimens even lose it altogether as they get older. 

The only difference between the males and female are their color. Females are less vibrant than their male counterparts. They can also be a bit plumper (especially during breeding time).

Glowing fishes

Anyway, there’s one thing that all of these fishes have in common is their scales which have a shiny finish that’s shimmers in the light. It creates a jewel-like luster.

 Buy fishes online

Serpae tetras are readily available in pet stores. You can buy them from our online store.

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