Blind cave fish

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₹83 /Pc

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Blind cave fish compensate for their lack of sight by having a more sensitive lateral line system which detects vibrations or changes in pressure in the water. The lateral line is a specialized sensory organ found in fish. It is a canal system running just under the skin along each side of the fish’s body.



Blind cave fish grow up to three and a half inches (8.9 cm) long. Females are slightly larger and plumper than males.

Their minnow-shaped body lacks pigment, leaving it cream or light pink in color.

They have scales on their body.

Their eye sockets are covered with scales and appear as dark spots.

These fish have small adipose fin present between the dorsal and caudal fins.



What Does It Eat?

In the wild:  Blind cave fish are excellent scavengers and will eat almost anything. They often feed on animal and plant remains swept into caves

At the zoo:  Flake fish food.

What Eats It?

Other larger fish prey on blind cave fish.

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